hemlock parsley - ορισμός. Τι είναι το hemlock parsley
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Τι (ποιος) είναι hemlock parsley - ορισμός

Sargent's Canadian Hemlock; Canadian Hemlock; Eastern Hemlock; Eastern hemlock; Canadian hemlock; Sargent's Canadian hemlock; Eastern Hemlock-spruce; Eastern hemlock-spruce
  • An Eastern Hemlock branch at the [[Kortright Centre for Conservation]].
  • Hemlock boughs in the autumn, shedding older foliage
  • The weeping shrub form ''T. canadensis'' 'Sargentii'
  • eastern white pine]] in [[Tiadaghton State Forest]], Pennsylvania; note the hemlocks' deeply fissured bark
  • Closeup of bark
  • Shoot infested with [[hemlock woolly adelgid]]
  • A line drawing of the leaves and cones from Britton and Brown's 1913 ''Illustrated flora of the northern states and Canada''

  • Parsley leaves
  • A parsley stem
  • Plant seen from above, Crispum Group
  • Parsley seeds
  • Thickened root, Radicosum Group
  • [[Tabbouleh]] salad
Hamburg parsley; Hamburg Parsley; Parsley root; Parsley seed; Parsely; Petroselinum crispum; Parsley Seed Oil; Garden Parsley; Italian parsley; Petroselinum neapolitanum; Root parsley; Some parsley; Petroselinum sativum; Petroselinum hortense; Garden parsley; Flat-leaf parsley; Curly-leaved parsley; Persil (herb); Ammi petroselinoides; Anisactis segetalis; Apium crispum; Apium laetum; Apium latifolium; Apium occidentale; Apium peregrinum; Apium petroselinum; Apium romanum; Apium tuberosum; Apium vulgare; Bupleurum petroselinoides; Carum peregrinum; Carum petroselinum; Carum vulgare; Cnidium petroselinum; Ligusticum peregrinum; Petroselinum anatolicum; Petroselinum fractophyllum; Petroselinum macedonicum; Petroselinum peregrinum; Petroselinum romanum; Petroselinum selinoides; Petroselinum thermoeri; Petroselinum vulgare; Peucedanum intermedium; Peucedanum petroselinum; Selinum petroselinum; Siler japonicum; Sison peregrinum; Sium oppositifolium; Sium petroselinum; Wydleria portoricensis
A Pascal extension for construction of parse trees, by Barber of Summit Software. It features Iterators. ["PARSLEY: A New Compiler-Compiler", in Software Development Tools, Techniques and Alternatives, Arlington VA, Jul 1983, pp.232-241]. (1995-02-22)
Hemlock Farms Community Association         
Hamlock Farms; Hemlock Farms; Hemlock Farms, Pennsylvania; Hemlock Farms Conservancy; Hemlock Farms Volunteer Fire and Rescue
Hemlock Farms Community Association (HFCA) is a census-designated place located in Lords Valley, Blooming Grove, Porter and Dingman Townships in Pike County in the state of Pennsylvania. The community is located south of Interstate 84, and surrounds its namesake Hemlock Lake.
  • Parsley leaves
  • A parsley stem
  • Plant seen from above, Crispum Group
  • Parsley seeds
  • Thickened root, Radicosum Group
  • [[Tabbouleh]] salad
Hamburg parsley; Hamburg Parsley; Parsley root; Parsley seed; Parsely; Petroselinum crispum; Parsley Seed Oil; Garden Parsley; Italian parsley; Petroselinum neapolitanum; Root parsley; Some parsley; Petroselinum sativum; Petroselinum hortense; Garden parsley; Flat-leaf parsley; Curly-leaved parsley; Persil (herb); Ammi petroselinoides; Anisactis segetalis; Apium crispum; Apium laetum; Apium latifolium; Apium occidentale; Apium peregrinum; Apium petroselinum; Apium romanum; Apium tuberosum; Apium vulgare; Bupleurum petroselinoides; Carum peregrinum; Carum petroselinum; Carum vulgare; Cnidium petroselinum; Ligusticum peregrinum; Petroselinum anatolicum; Petroselinum fractophyllum; Petroselinum macedonicum; Petroselinum peregrinum; Petroselinum romanum; Petroselinum selinoides; Petroselinum thermoeri; Petroselinum vulgare; Peucedanum intermedium; Peucedanum petroselinum; Selinum petroselinum; Siler japonicum; Sison peregrinum; Sium oppositifolium; Sium petroselinum; Wydleria portoricensis
Parsley is a small plant with curly leaves that are used for flavouring or decorating savoury food.
...parsley sauce.


Tsuga canadensis

Tsuga canadensis, also known as eastern hemlock, eastern hemlock-spruce, or Canadian hemlock, and in the French-speaking regions of Canada as pruche du Canada, is a coniferous tree native to eastern North America. It is the state tree of Pennsylvania. Eastern hemlocks are widespread throughout much of the Great Lakes region, the Appalachian Mountains, the Northeastern United States, and Maritime Canada. They have been introduced in the United Kingdom and mainland Europe, where they are used as ornamental trees.

Eastern hemlock populations in North America are threatened in much of their range by the spread of the invasive Hemlock woolly adelgid, which infests and eventually kills trees. Declines in population from hemlock wooly adelgid infestation have led to Tsuga canadensis being listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List.

Eastern hemlocks are long lived trees, with many examples living for more than 500 years. They can grow to heights of more than 30 metres (100 ft), and are tolerant of shade, moist soil, and slopes. Hemlock wood is used in construction, and for railroad ties. Historically its bark was an important source of tannin for the leather tanning industry. Eastern hemlocks are popular as ornamental trees, thanks to their tolerance of a wide variety of soil and light conditions, as well as their characteristic drooping branches.